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Dante Stephens is the founder of CEO Mindset LLC, a business coaching firm that helps entrepreneurs transform into the best version of themselves. With a well-set practice for motivational coaching, Dante still observed some stagnant aspects that were holding the business down.
In collaboration with Devesh, each of these individual aspects were tackled skillfully. Dante specifically talks about the requirements of being held accountable, in addition to proper systems and workflows put in place. Here are some aspects of his business that were transformed completely with Devesh’s business coaching:
▪ Achieving set systems and processes for all business operations.
▪ Streamlining long-term solutions for persistent business issues.
▪ A growth mechanism that can be implemented in dynamic scenarios.
▪ Bringing out dormant issues, understanding their drawbacks, and finding plausible solutions for business growth.
The Story of CEO Mindset LLC
Dante has had a fair share of experiences with businesses, with CEO Mindset as his second business and collaboration with Devesh. With a premium skill set and vision for his venture, he was able to emerge as a strong business under prompt business coaching with Devesh – “Business now for me has totally changed. My mindset is different. The way I operate is different. I have systems set up. I have processes set up. I am actually working the system and the processes. But more than that, my mind has transformed.”
However, this wasn’t always the case! At a point, Dante also faced the frustration of not being able to move forward due to obstinate issues and trivial drawbacks. The story for CEO Mindset changed when his mindset evolved with the right approach for his business – “When you get around people who can actually show you the way, hold you accountable, and make you uncomfortable – it changes the whole way you operate.”
The Challenge of Emerging from stagnancy to growth
The primary challenge that Dante faced in his venture was that of stagnancy in different aspects and stages of his business. He shares,
“Before working with Devesh, I was in a place in my business where I was stuck. I was frustrated and confused. I didn’t know what to do next. I didn’t have systems set up. I didn’t have the roadmap I needed to get my business to where it was going.”
He tried to resolve these issues with several resources, but none stood to extend a sustainable solution – “I tried other coaches, and let’s just say they didn’t work out. I needed a coach that was going to hold me accountable, was going to be able to give me the strategies and the things that I needed, that understood where I was at my business, and knew how to get me from Point A to Point B.”
Why Dante Chose Devesh?
Despite years of exploring the working of a business and help from various sources, Dante’s experience with Devesh struck a cord that was instrumental for his growth. He was amazed to experience prompt business coaching that would not only present him with systems, processes, and solutions but a coach like Devesh, who would hold him accountable and see the execution of these strategies to the end.
Like he confidently exclaims – “I’m in my second business. Devesh worked with me on my first business. As I transitioned out of that business, going into a completely new business. I was able to take those same principles that he helped me with in my old business and apply it to my new business. Thus, he was able to help me in my new coaching business, to help me grow and scale it.”
Devesh’s solutions for deep-rooted business problems
Devesh recognized the cause of deep-rooted business issues and proposed plausible solutions for them. His far-sighted approach and skill for recognizing any sources of friction to growth were reasons why CEO Mindset LLC saw its issues resolve in an excellent time frame. Dante urges, “If you are on the fence about joining Devesh’s program, I just want to give you a little insight. Get off the fence, get out of your own way.
I’m telling you, entrepreneur-to-entrepreneur when you get somebody who understands what you’re going through, who can give you the strategy, who can get you to a place of freedom and clarity, and a place of understanding – it’s well worth the investment.”, he added. This chase for complete business clarity transformed the face of his business and many others with the same approach.
The Results
The outcome of a result-driven approach was quickly observed by Dante in all aspects of his business – “I am in the best state I’ve ever been in my life – from a mindset standpoint, a spiritual standpoint, and from a business strategy standpoint because of having this relationship with Devesh. He always brings clarity, and an understanding to whatever situation I’m in.” His business has grown to accommodate its own growing requirements, with a brand identity and profit-generation scheme that is sustainable and reliable. As Dante says –
“Hiring Devesh, gives me that clarity and understanding. I had to do the work, but I needed somebody to help me see some things that I could not see. That is the beauty of having a high-level and high-performing coach, who’s actually done it!”
Explore growth away from stagnancy and outside your comfort zone!
Two primary areas were growth mines for Dante’s business. One was overcoming different aspects of business stagnancy – in terms of operations, profits, and everything else. The other was the need for stepping out of the known and your comfort zone to explore options with great potential. Having worked on these in coaching with Devesh, Dante assures – “You’re not investing in Devesh and his coaching program. You’re investing in yourself. The investment is worth it. Are you worth it?”
Feel like you’re stuck with your business? Stagnated growth and dipping business profits can be overturned with the right approach.
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